When Plans Change

Sometimes life throws us a curve ball and our plans are forced to change. There are 4 key principles we must remember, and a couple practical steps we should take to handle this well.
Sometimes life throws us a curve ball and our plans are forced to change. There are 4 key principles we must remember, and a couple practical steps we should take to handle this well.
What would it take to be a church that Jesus is thankful for? It is surprisingly simple – to be a collection of Christians who have faith in Jesus and love for all the saints. But how can we develop faith and love? They can’t be forced, they are born by hope of heaven. And […]
Paul said the church has its foundation on them. Peter said we can have certainty because of them. Jesus said their words are the sole power to really convert someone. Prophets and prophecy. See how they can shape your faith.
Insecurity has become a condition people regularly live with. A deep fear about who we are and what we are worth. We look to different answers to solve our insecurity, but when we look to the gospel we find the real freedom we’re looking for.
Do you ever find yourself stagnant, disinterested, and cold towards God? Perhaps you’ve found yourself controlled by things of this world and forgetting who is the foundation of your life. The practice of fasting is simple, yet profound and can have an impact on your walk with Christ. Learn from Jesus not only what fasting […]
After the fact, and if things work out in our favor, we can view unanswered prayers as a blessing. However, in the midst of prayers going unanswered the experience can be heart breaking. How should we handle unanswered prayers?
The single most important question we must answer in life is, “Did Jesus raise from the dead?” If he didn’t, then Christianity is false. If he did, then he reigns over everything. The story of Mary at the tomb helps us come face to face with the resurrection and decide what we think.
Jesus the King faces his greatest challenge – enduring the cross for you and me. One may wonder, why? Couldn’t there be another way? Paul would teach us that Jesus had to go to the cross so that God could be both just (in punishing sin) and the one who justifies those who needed saved.
Sabbath is God’s gift to humanity, reminding them that they can rest in the provision and power of God. Many people in Jesus’ day took this gift and made it a burden. Jesus encounters these people and shows them how they can actually experience true rest.
Crowds gather and Jesus immediately teaches with one of his most well known parables, the sower and the soils. The parable is all about what kind of listeners we really are. If we’re going to follow Jesus, we must be serious about really hearing Jesus and he shows us how to know.