Confidence in Crisis

PM Sermon
What gives a human value? Psalm 8 teaches us this answer by taking our eyes off of ourselves and turning them to the majesty of God. When we see the majesty and mindfulness of God, we begin to understand our worth as humans.
Psalm 1 This psalm sets in contrast two ways to live. One way is for the blessed, or happy who finds themselves rooted and fruitful. The other is for the wicked, who find themselves tossed about with no foundation. A happy life is built by choice and patience, in light of eternity. AM Sermon
Integrity is the state or condition of being whole, meaning to be the same person in every place with all people. Samuel exemplifies the following attributes of someone who lives a life of integrity. They are: humility, surrounded by examples, reflection, remain grounded, faces fear, selfless, and leaves reaction to others. By using Samuel as our example, […]
When we decide to truly follow Christ, God changes our lives through by restoring our purpose with Him. Hebrews 13:1-21 informs us that God equips us with what we need to do His will, allowing us to witness to others through our compassion. This compassion is demonstrated through our love for God’s family, hospitality to […]
Paul compares the Christian life to a race. In Hebrews 11:39-12:3, the Hebrews writer advises us to use the example faithful people (those who have come before us) to inspire and encourage us to complete our Christian race just as they completed their Christian race. He also instructs us to look to Jesus for encouragement and empowerment. Finally, he tells us to look forward, to see the unfading joy we are promised when the race is won.
Jesus is greater. Jesus is the best fulfillment to our deepest desires. If we do not seek God, God will be just and fair with the consequences. AM Sermon